Pastor's Corner

September 2024

The Land of the Strong


Isaiah 33:9

22) “The earth mourneth and languisheth: Lebanon is ashamed and hewn down: Sharon is like a wilderness; and Bashan and Carmel shake off their fruits.”

Sharon was a rich and beautiful land between the central mountains and the Mediterranean. It stretched from Joppa northward to Mount Carmel. The Rose of Sharon is undoubtedly the beautiful and sweet white narcissus, which grows in abundance on the plain. There are wonderful oak forests there in addition to fine pastureland, but in this land of Sharon, there is nothing as beautiful and breathtaking as this Rose of Sharon. Rising up uniquely above everything else in the valley. Kind of like our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Jeff

Our Pastor, Jeff Massey

Reverend Jeff Massey was licensed to preach at Cole's Cove Independent Missionary Baptist Church in Weaverville, NC on July 1, 2001. He preached for local pastors and helped in revivals. He also interim pastored for churches without pastors in Madison and Buncombe counties. He also conducted outside services at Lake Louise every Saturday evening for two summers. Rev Massey participated in radio broadcasts at Marshall's WHBK radio with other preachers from Cole's Cove Baptist Church.

On March 5, 2006, Reverend Massey was called to Stoney Fork Independent Missionary Baptist Church in Candler, NC, where he preached for two months. He was ordained on May 7, 2006 at Cole's Cove Independent Missionary Baptist Church and became the pastor of Stoney Fork Independent Missionary Baptist Church, where he is at the present time.

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